03 Jun
Christmas Season at the Office

It's already that time - the Christmas season. It comes earlier and earlier each year, and with all the joy and happiness that the season brings, along comes the angst of gift-giving. Not the presents we give to the ones we love, since those are easy. The angst of"gifting" in the office.

Many households are in a financial crunch this time of year. Gasoline prices a minimum of $50 to fill a tank, which the average American does 1.6 a week so as to reach work. Many offices, recognizing the limitations of workers, have adopted policy of no gifting, or restrict the costs of gifts to a small sum - but even a $5 limit may add up to $50 you might have spent on something else that you need far more than a joyous Coke décor coffee mug, or a plastic reindeer which poos M&M candies.
Home-made Christmas gifts for co-workers is a fantastic alternative, and one that you an even"outsource," to use company vernacular. Put those children to operate tying up little satchels of nuts, or candy, or small pieces of coal. (The coal trick will likely be funny once, but probably will not work 2 Christmases in a row) One very clever idea is to have a batch of Christmas cards, address them for your co-workers, and add a home-made CD. This might be as involved or generic as you want. Maybe it is a selection of tunes that you believe (or understand ) the individual likes. Or it could be a Christmas CD of seasonal favorites done in different genres or by different artists. "Blue Christmas" done in a bluegrass style, for example, complete with Banjo and tenor vocals, and also even a Reggae version of White Christmas. (Believe it or not, both exist.) Or maybe a selection of Christmas tunes done by modern artists, or perhaps variations you have never heard of before. There are a few beautiful songs out there. Read more information click xmasgifts

And of course the traditional homemade Christmas present is food - and not the satchel of sweets or nuts. Home-made biscuits. Real fudge. These treats suit your gifting angst, and assure that you don't get a satchel of coal or one of those M&M poo-ing reindeer in return! Not a chef? No issue, since there are millions of recipe websites on-line that will help you through the cookie or fudge-making process. Even if it takes a couple or two to get things exactly right, your family members will most likely appreciate your learning procedure!

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